
  • Grow it.

    There are many varieties of basketry willow. They come in many colors and sizes.

  • Harvest it.

    It is best to harvest willow when it is dormant. It works best for me when the ground is frozen so my sticks don’t get too muddy.

  • Sort it.

    Sorting is a fun process. I like using a bucket: I pull out the tallest sticks and then lay them out in similar sized bundles.

  • Dry it.

    I let my willow stand for about a year, protected from sun and rain.

  • Soak it.

    Soaking takes 2 to 6 weeks. It takes much longer when the weather is cold!

  • Weave it.

    Finally, you get to weave. In all of my weaving, you will find only the natural colors of the willow bark.


  • Harvest it.

  • Play with it.

  • Weave it.

  • Make seats.

  • Combine with willow.

  • Make a hat :)

I also use a handful of other materials that I harvest on my land. Red osier dogwood, yellow flag iris, hazel, and willow bark are a few of my favorites .